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Light and Easy Chicken Broth Recipe!

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Do you want to brew something light on the stomach that can be made easily? Well, if you want to take the easy way, nothing beats the nutritiousness and wholesomeness of chicken broth. Packed with feel-good flavours and plenty of health benefits, chicken broth and collagen soup in Singapore are coupled with many delicious recipes.

But first, what is chicken broth?

Chicken broth is a classic, enriched with flavour recipe wildly popular in Singapore. It is seasoned with herbs and can make soups, ramen, and rice. It is made mostly with bones and meat and is simmered on the stove on a low flame to extract all the goodness from the bones into the water. You can create the White Bee Hoon recipe with collagen soup/chicken broth, Asian chicken risotto, chicken macaroni soup with vegetable medley or a Korean army stew recipe. From traditional pots of deliciousness to many oriental and continental dishes, chicken broth practically goes with everything.

Nutritional perks of chicken broth

Only a few people know that chicken broth is packed with nutrients. The collagen soup contains magnesium, calcium, phosphorous and other essential benefits. In addition, when the broth is brewed, the bones connective tissue of the bones renders the body with many healthy natural compounds typically found in cartilage. Although there are many nutritional advantages of chicken bone broth, some of the most well-known ones are listed as follows:

  • The broth is made from collagen in bones, so it is also considered anti-ageing. When the broth is boiled, collagen breaks down into healthy amino acids and gelatine.
  • Chicken broth is rich in amino acid glycine that may support healthy sleep patterns and regulate your biological clock by lowering overall body temperature.
  • The collagen present in chicken bone broth can also help relieve the sigh of osteoarthritis pain and joint stiffness.
  • Gelatine can also help with better food movement and metabolism when it binds with water.
  • Chicken broth can also increase the body’s immunity function due to the healthy amino acids.

Ways to use chicken broth

Believe it or not, there are many exciting ways to use chicken bone broth. It can be used as an impeccable base for any curries or soups. You can also use it for cooking ramen or rice. Just use it in place of water; the food will be more nutritious and taste a thousand times better. Many people also drink broth to enjoy the benefits of bone broth. Let it simmer for about 45 minutes, and it can be coupled perfectly with an appetizer, main course or fusion dish. Simple as that!


Ready to create some mouthwatering delicious recipes with chicken broth? Whether you cook it with some of your favourite veggies, boneless chicken leg, chicken drumstick, chicken breast, or other fresh cuts, it will flood your palate with the finest flavours. Don’t believe us? Try it yourself when experimenting with some simple yet delectable recipes!

Halal Wholesale Meat Supply Singapore

All You Need to Know About Halal-Certified Meat

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You must have seen a Halal certification label when you buy meat or other food commodities. So, what does Halal-certified meat is all about? How is it linked to a particular community? This blog will clear all these questions that come to mind. Hence, the next time you look for wholesale meat in Singapore, you can easily understand its meaning.

What is Halal?

Halal is an Arabic term which means “permissible” or “lawful.” In the context of food and drinks, it is acceptable for consumption by a person following Islam. Therefore, if an establishment is Halal certified, it has undergone audits and checks from a legal certification agency to guarantee that it complies with Halal laws. For example, MUIS is responsible for regulating Halal Certification in Singapore.

Checklist for Halal-certified meat

Are you searching for wholesale frozen meat in Singapore but not sure what Halal meat includes? Here is the mandatory checklist that decides whether a particular establishment is eligible for the Halal certification.

The meat is said to be Halal only when these rules are followed:

  • The animal needs to be given excellent care for the whole of its life. Some important points are a large area to roam, clean water, and fresh air.
  • No unclean drugs are utilised, and no sick animals are slaughtered.
  • The name of Allah (God) must be said while performing the sacrifice.
  • To achieve humane slaughter, the tool must be extremely sharp. The animal’s throat needs to be cut.
  • The animal cannot be asleep/unconscious at the time of slaughter.
  • The animal needs to be hanged upside-down and allowed to drain its blood completely. (Consuming blood is prohibited)
  • The animal has to have been fed a natural diet (No by-products from other animals). 

Is there any difference between the taste of Halal and regular meat?

Both types of meat are consumed worldwide. However, most people cannot tell if the meat is Halal or non-halal just by tasting it! Therefore, it would be a surprise for many that Halal meat is much tastier and healthier than regular meat. The main reason is that Halal meat might feel more tender since regular slaughtering practices require stunning, which can cause tough meat. In addition, in regular meat, the blood is not drained, which creates more chances of microorganisms and bad taste developing.

Bottom Line

We must appreciate the diversity of communities and the availability of halal wholesale meat suppliers in Singapore. At first, it might sound new and different to many, but halal meat can be much healthier, delicious, and budget-friendly in some cases. After all, it is our duty as responsible citizens to respect the dietary requirements of each other! Thankfully, one can find many meat & poultry suppliers with Halal certifications, and Kee Song is one of them. They are a leading poultry farm known for its innovative chicken-rearing technology. If you are also looking for a wide range of fresh or frozen high-quality chicken, visit their website today!

Frozen Meat Supply in Singapore

Busting Top 5 Myths About Frozen Meat

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We all know that person who claims that anything frozen is highly unhealthy. However, it’s time to stop believing such myths and get an eye-opener. According to USDA, there is only a slight change in the nutritional value of meat during frozen storage. Thus, you can say that there is no massive difference between the nutritional value of frozen and fresh chicken! Today we will bust similar myths so that the next time you contact a frozen meat supplier in Singapore, there’s no room for doubt in your mind.


Frozen meat is of inferior quality to fresh meat

The first and foremost misconception is about frozen meat being of inferior quality. Well, that’s not true at all! When meat is frozen and stored, there is only a slight nutritional loss, mainly protein. However, most of the protein and other nutrients are still intact, which makes its nutritional value similar to fresh meat.


Frozen meat expires and goes bad

The only way frozen meat can go bad is through storage and thawing. For example, the best way to retain the freshness of frozen meat is to thaw it in the refrigerator. You don’t have to worry about spoilage as long as the meat is stored at ambient temperature and with the correct thawing method. In addition, it is not recommended to re-frost the thawed meat to prevent bacterial contamination and food poisoning.


All frozen meat is highly processed

While certain frozen products might require heavy processing, this is not always the case. Although it could be true in olden times, the industry is aware of the health factor these days. Therefore, you can find minimally processed frozen meat as delicious and healthy as fresh meat.


Frozen meat is high in sodium and preservatives

When talking about wholesale frozen meat in Singapore, one must know that freezing is a preservation technique. Further, more and more suppliers and poultry farms are striving to meet health-conscious customers’ demands. All in all, frozen meat uses minimal processing and preservatives to retain freshness and nutritional value.


Frozen food is costly and not worth it

Most of us believe that anything processed or frozen is expensive. However, this might not be the case with every food item. Especially when it comes to frozen meat and chicken, it can help you prepare a budget meal for all instead of spending a fortune on dine-out and takeaway.


The bottom line is that frozen chicken is as delicious and nutritious as the fresh one. Frozen chicken dinners are a quick and healthy way to eat for themselves and their family. To create high-quality chicken, frozen food suppliers in Singapore use advanced preparation and storage processes. Luckily, you can find certified poultry farms like Kee Song that rear poultry using superior lactobacilli technology. With their quality and consistency, they have emerged as a leading poultry producer, ensuring tender and low-fat chicken every time! So get in touch with them to order fresh and frozen chicken meat today.

Healthy Chicken Delivered to Your Doorstep

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Are you looking for good, healthy chicken products for your home? Or are you a restaurant owner who prides themselves on delivering healthy and delicious meals? If so, have you been dealing with lower-quality chicken deliveries? Or do you have to waste essential time going to the market daily? If these are problems you’re facing in your daily life, you may want to check out the best wholesale meat supplier in Singapore. Such suppliers can deliver high-quality, healthy chicken meat to your doorstep. Wondering what kind of products you can find? Let’s take a look!

Bundle Products

For the restaurateurs who believe in feeding their customers nothing but the best, innovative chicken farms in Singapore offer bundle poultry products. So buy yourself packs of frozen KS Chicken Collagen soup and other chicken items like Sakura Breasts and Wings, Carogold (Gizzards, whole broth packs, carcass, etc.), Lacto (wings, legs, and breasts), etc. Purchasing such meat packs in wholesale can help you reduce your cost and serve healthy meals at the same time.

Frozen Products

Are you a single mother/father responsible for getting things at work and their child’s upbringing? Don’t compromise the quality of food in your household anymore. Instead, purchase the best-frozen chicken in Singapore. Select from a vibrant range of dishes, including drumettes, soft bones, whole chicken, wings, boneless breasts, whole legs, carcass, mid-joint, drumstick, etc. Purchasing such frozen poultry products from the best distributors of wholesale frozen meat in Singapore allows you to whip up nutritious meals quickly!


If you’re a traveller who’s decided to extend your stay in Singapore, eating meals at restaurants regularly may become costly. Additionally, over-eating street food may also become a health risk. Instead, you can order the best ready-to-cook meals available online. Choose from a wide range of recipes, including collagen soup, honey garlic butter chicken, Sichuan mala, pepper teriyaki, Kungpo, citrus herbs chicken, etc. Cook delectable meals for yourself in no more than 15-20 minutes!

Fresh Meat

Buying fresh poultry meat is necessary if you’re a lover of exotic meat dishes. Find yourself the healthiest products available in Singapore at the best online stores. These farms use advanced lactobacillus technology to rear their poultry. As a result, these chickens are low in cholesterol and saturated fats. Additionally, they are farmed without antibiotics, making them a healthier choice. Find the healthiest chicken products like Lacto legs, livers, wings, gizzards, fillets, minced meats, hearts, etc., from the best farms supplying wholesale meat in Singapore.

Tasty, delicious, and wholesome food is just a step away. If your daily diet includes poultry products, we recommend visiting Kee Song. This sustainable poultry farm shares the chicken lover’s passion and produces meat reared using the most sustainable methods. Their yield is extremely healthy. The poultry reared by Kee Song are superior in quality and come at a reasonable price too! Buy the most wholesome chicken meat available in Singapore today. Eat or serve healthy and delectable meals in the comfort of your home!

Fresh Meat Delivery in Singapore

Innovative Chicken Farming: A New Era of Poultry

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Chicken and poultry are consumed worldwide as a part of our staple diet. However, for quite some time, large-scale chicken consumption’s adverse environmental and health impacts have been in the spotlight.

To solve this issue, Singapore’s advanced chicken and poultry farms have developed an innovative farming process that yields high-quality chicken. These farms use lactobacillus to rear their yield and deliver chicken meat products of impeccable quality. Thus, purchasing healthy chicken from the best meat delivery in Singapore can benefit your health.

What is the new method of farming?

The new practice of rearing chickens using lactobacillus is sustainable and eco-friendly. Lactobacillus is also known as friendly bacteria. Such bacteria have a natural way of combating harmful bacteria. First, let’s take a look at the farming process.

The Process

In this process of yielding high-quality chickens, lactobacilli are added to the organic chicken fodder. The friendly bacteria combat harmful bacteria in the fodder to make it healthy and nutritious for the chicken to consume. This enhanced fodder helps:

  • Build the immunity of the chickens against diseases
  • Results in reduced cholesterol and saturated fat content

Thus, this farming technique helps rear chickens, a healthier choice for you. However, that’s not all. The benefits of a lactobacillus feed stretch further.

Benefits to the Environment

A lactobacilli feed has a reduced concentration of ammonia and hydrogen sulphide. These residues are harmful to the environment and a major cause of the eutrophication of surface water. They also are a major cause of soil acidification leading to land degradation. Using lactobacilli feed helps prevent the build-up of these harmful chemicals in our soil.

Antibiotic-free Farming

The best fresh meat delivery in Singapore rears antibiotic-free chickens. These chickens are reared naturally by innovative farms using lactobacilli feed. Such farms commit to delivering only high-quality chicken to their customers. Since the chickens eat healthy immunity-boosting fodder, their excrements are free from harmful residues. The excrements are fermented with lactobacilli, turning them into organic fertilisers. These nutribiotic fertilisers improve the quality of agricultural farm soil and yield nutritious fruits and vegetables.

Quirky Farming Methods

The best chicken and poultry farmers pay attention to intangible elements to improve the health of chickens and the surrounding environment. Unfortunately, poultry farms are known for their notorious noise levels. They significantly add to the current noise pollution problem we have.

However, the best farms understand this and play Mozart’s symphonies in the chicken coops to resolve the problem. Music helps in creating a healthier environment for keeping the chickens calmer. This eliminates toxic fumes and noise at a go!

If you were worried about consuming chicken owing to how unhealthy processed meat has become, you needn’t anymore. One of the best farms in Singapore, Kee Song, provides chickens reared using lactobacilli technology combined with innovative and sustainable farming methods. As a result, their yield is healthier than other meat delivery services and offers superior taste and quality. So if you’re searching for a fresh or frozen meat supplier in Singapore for chicken meat, we recommend Kee Song. Check out their website and select a range of top-quality fresh and frozen products in their store!

What is the Ideal Meat Temperature? – Meat Cooking Guide

By Blogs

Cooking is the art and science of heating food at the right temperature and up to the right time. It is not only about buying the proper cooking or food suppliers. It’s also about following the correct technique. For instance, if you reside in Singapore, you will consider purchasing the meat from a professional frozen meat supplier in Singapore. Likewise, it is also imperative to cook it at the right temperature to get the right amount of nutrition.

Temperature Guide to Avoid Food Poisoning

Even the slightest shift in the temperature can hinder the meat quality. Meat needs proper temperature for both cooking and storing. That is why certified wholesale meat suppliers in Singapore mention preserving temperature to avoid meat becoming stale.

Uncooked or raw meat naturally contains bacteria. In order to kill these bacteria, meat should be cooked at the right temperature. The ideal meat temperature differs for different types of meat. Not every meat is cooked at the same temperature. Here are some temperature recommendations for each type of meat:

  • Poultry: It refers to whole birds that people eat, and consuming them raw or undercooked can cause nausea, fever, or cramps. The ideal temperature to cook Poultry like Chicken and Turkey is 165°F – 175°
  • Sea Food: People cook fish until it looks tender and separates quickly. This technique is not always ideal for cooking fish. To avoid overcooking, you can do a temperature test to ensure it is correctly cooked. The perfect cooking temperature is 145°F.
  • Lamb: Lamb traps heat and cooks even during resting. So, you should turn the flame off 1 or 2 degrees before it reaches the ideal cooking temperature. The best lamb is cooked at 145°F.
  • Red Meat: It generally refers to ground beef. Left uncooked can lead to life-threatening health problems like kidney failure. Therefore, cook it at a range of 145°F – 165°F. 

Why is meat temperature essential to food safety

Bacteria breed at low temperatures and meat, especially frozen meat, goes through different temperatures before reaching your kitchen counters. Therefore, you might have noticed that the wholesale frozen meat suppliers in Singapore, the UK, and other parts of the world follow proper handling precautions while delivering frozen meat supplies.

Keeping meat at proper temperatures is imperative to inhibit bacterial growth, and cooking them at high temperatures is essential to kill harmful microorganisms. Cooking meat, poultry, and egg products properly require a food thermometer to prevent undercooking and foodborne illnesses. Maintain a constant fridge and freezer temperature of 40°F or below using an appliance thermometer.

Wrapping Up

Some people use food thermometers to ensure that the meat is done, and other experts use their cooking experience to tell it is cooked correctly. We all follow our methods and techniques we feel are easy and comfortable to follow. But, the goal is ultimately to eat a properly cooked and nutrition-rich meal. So, why welcome the storm when you can avoid the disaster? Follow the proper meat cooking temperature to avoid foodborne illnesses.

Fresh Meat Delivery Service in Singapore

Is It Safe for Health to Consume Raw Meat?

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Many people around the globe consume raw meat without a care in the world. Though a mere thought of it might freak out others. With regards to people having religious dietary strictures, it might sound bizarre to eat raw fish or beef, but many people worldwide are eating this as a trend. Singaporean, Lebanese, Japanese, Korean, and Turkish cuisines include some mouth-watering dishes that contain raw meat. However, you should always consume fresh meat from your local stores. For instance, if you are planning to try raw meat in Singapore, make sure it is from a fresh meat delivery service in Singapore.

Is raw meat safe to eat?

Though there are no proven benefits or backing theories related to this question, many people consume it regularly and haven’t seen any danger to their health. It is too soon to give a straight answer. Health specialists have raised certain concerns regarding following this trend blindly.

Eating meat takes you back in time to the age of human evolution. However, did you know that raw or parboiled meat can cause most ailments from Europe to Asia? Consumption of it can cause food poisoning and other foodborne diseases like typhoid and jaundice, which contain bacteria and pathogens from the animal’s body. Let’s read more about the potential risk of mindlessly following the raw meat eating trend.

The risk associated with eating raw meat

The meat of dead animals contains the same bacteria and pathogens as the animal itself, so anyone eating it raw is at high risk of contracting several health conditions. Bacterias like Listeria, E, Salmonella, and Campylobacter breed in raw meat. You can destroy these bacteria by cooking the meat at high temperatures. However, dishes like Sushi and Kari Debal contain raw meat. While preparing these dishes, you can get fresh meat delivery in Singapore, Korea, Italy, or wherever you reside.

Pregnant women and children should avoid the consumption of raw meat. Their digestive system will not be able to digest it properly and can cause foodborne diseases.

The right way to eat raw meat

The raw meat of various cultures is often seasoned with herbs and extracts that kill bacteria, but do they do any good to prevent the spread of pathogens? There is no guarantee that raw meat is free of harmful infections, but some studies say it is packed with nutrients. Thus, it is best to cook meat properly in order to destroy pathogens, viruses, and bacteria. Many dishes around the world contain raw meat, and cooking them would simply change their flavor and texture. Here are some dishes from around the world that contain raw meat.

  • Tartare
  • Koi soi
  • Kitfo
  • Carpaccio
  • Yukhoe


Each dish mentioned above is prepared with raw meat, but people relish it. They are a part of a few richest cuisines worldwide. No matter which part of the world you reside in, you can enjoy any cuisine you fancy. Even if you are in Singapore, you can taste the delicacy of Korea – the famous Yukhoe too. If you are cooking at home, you can get your fresh meat delivered from a wholesale meat supplier in Singapore for premium quality meat.

Frozen Chicken vs. Fresh Chicken: Is One Really Healthier Than the Other?

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It’s something of an old wives tale that frozen meat is less nutritious than fresh meat. But in recent years, this topic has been highly debated. To find out if there’s truth behind this statement, we did some research to finally answer the question: Which is healthier? Frozen or fresh chicken?

Not All Freezing is the Same

While it is true that frozen chicken might lose some of its nutrients when it’s frozen and packaged, this loss in nutrition is extremely negligible. Some believe in buying fresh chicken then freezing it at home so it can last longer while still retaining its high nutritional value.

However, home-frozen chicken might be less nutritious than the chicken frozen by poultry suppliers in Singapore – home freezers are only designed to keep frozen foods cold, and not to freeze foods. In the relatively long time that it takes to freeze the fresh chicken meat, ice crystals form between the fibres of the meat and force the nutritious juices out.

In contrast, the nutritious juices are kept in frozen chicken meat which is flash-frozen by poultry suppliers (that is, frozen quickly at an extremely low temperature) because the ice crystals have no time to form.

Similar Nutrition Levels

In reality, the difference in nutritional value between fresh and properly frozen chicken is minimal. Be it frozen or fresh, chicken is generally a healthier substitute for red meats such as pork or beef as they contain less saturated fat. Chicken is also a rich source of nutrients such as protein and iron, Vitamins A, B and K and niacin as well as minerals like selenium, which all play important roles in the normal functioning of your cells and maintenance your immune system.

The perception that fresh chicken meat is healthier than frozen chicken meat could also stem from the common, and incorrect belief that frozen meat is processed meat, which is typically loaded with unhealthily high levels of sodium and other preservatives. However, frozen chicken does not actually require any preservatives because their low temperatures prevent the growth of microorganisms that cause decay, although commercially frozen chicken can be injected with a saline solution with high salt content in some cases.

In these cases, it’s always good to check the ingredient and nutrition labelling or do some simple research on the poultry or fresh chicken supplier before purchasing their products from Singapore’s supermarkets.

The Differences Between Fresh and Frozen

Given that chicken is the most readily available and highly consumed meat in Singapore, it is also important that we better understand the actual differences between frozen and fresh chicken.

The main difference between fresh and frozen chicken is their storage life. Fresh chicken should be kept in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days before it is consumed while frozen chicken can last for many months in your freezer. Fresh chicken can also be stored for longer if frozen at home, but as mentioned above, this could result in the chicken meat losing a significant amount of its nutrients.

So, if you plan on consuming the chicken on the day you bought it, fresh chicken may be more convenient as you need not take time to thaw it. If you do not know when you are going to consume it or do not intend to make frequent trips to the supermarket, buying frozen chicken is the wiser choice.

Another difference between fresh and frozen chicken could be their texture when cooked. However, any difference in texture simply arises from how the frozen chicken meat is thawed – if thawed too fast, the chicken meat cannot reabsorb the moisture from the melting ice crystals as effectively and hence become tougher and dryer when cooked. Letting frozen chicken slowly thaw in your refrigerator can allow the moisture from the melting ice crystals to be reabsorbed by the meat, preserving its texture when cooked.

Poultry Supplier Singapore

Using advanced and sustainable farming techniques, Kee Song makes that extra effort to ensure nutrition and taste will not be compromised whether you choose to purchase our frozen or fresh chicken. With less fat and cholesterol relative to chicken meat commercially sold by other poultry suppliers in Singapore, Kee Song is a brand that every household can rely on for healthier and equally tasty products!


3 Major Reasons Why You Should be Eating Antibiotic-Free Chicken

By Blogs

With the rise in living standards that we enjoy today, many of us have become more aware of the food that we’re putting into our body. But besides the usual call to eat more organic produce, there has been a greater demand for antibiotic-free meats such as chicken!

Since chicken is such a widely consumed source of protein, it only makes sense that consumers are concerned about what goes into our flightless friends. To shed some light on the benefits of eating antibiotic-free chicken, we’ve listed these main reasons below!

Protects Immune Systems

Historically, many conventionally farmed animals have been given human antibiotics as part of the rearing process. This, of course, is alarming due to the sensitive nature of antibiotic consumption. A simple solution many farms and regulatory bodies have come up with is to state that the livestock is not fed any antibiotics that are “medically important to humans”.

But don’t be fooled, there can be a far cry from consuming antibiotic-free chicken and chicken that just don’t consume those specific antibiotics. This is because studies have shown that resistance genes don’t discriminate between the types of antibiotics you consume, and exposure to one type can still create resistance to another.

In the long run, this can compromise the strength of the human immune system, and make you more vulnerable to illnesses. This may be especially important for those who already have weak immune systems, but even for those who don’t, it’s always good to maintain a healthy system regardless!

Bacteria in Animals

Even in a developed country like Singapore, we’ve faced many bouts of superbugs in recent years. This has been attributed to previously treatable bacteria becoming stronger and stronger over the years, and that’s because they’ve become more resistant to our antibiotics!

In a somewhat similar sense, livestock such as chickens face extremely harsh living conditions when they’re being conventionally farmed, so to prevent deaths and diseases, many farmers give their chickens antibiotics. This has caused harmful bacteria to become resistant to antibiotics, and these bacteria can be spread to humans as well.

A study showed that in the US, approximately 2 million people get infected with antibiotic-resistant bacteria, and of that number, 23,000 people die each year. On top of this number, many others have died from conditions that have been worsened by the exposure to this bacteria.

More Demand Means More Supply

So with all this grim evidence laid out on the table, the last point might very well be the most important. A huge reason why you should eat antibiotic-free meats is a simple rule of economics: The more we demand, the more they supply.

With recent demands, we have already seen many fast-food chains make the switch to antibiotic-free chickens, so with even greater demand, we can strive towards a long-term shift for the betterment of our population’s health!

Antibiotic-Free Chicken Singapore

Getting your hands on antibiotic-free chicken in Singapore is way easier than you think! In fact, you can order some fresh chicken online from your trusted poultry supplier. And yes, this goes for all you home cooks as well. At Kee Song, we supply deliver antibiotic-free chicken right to your home so you and your family can build a healthier diet, without breaking a sweat!