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Low-Carb Delights: Chicken Fillet Recipes for Keto and Paleo Diets

Low-Carb Delights: Chicken Fillet Recipes for Keto and Paleo Diets

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Singaporeans love their chicken! Don’t believe us? Well, according to Statista, in the year 2020, the population of Singapore consumed around 36kgs of chicken per person, and in fact, Chicken was the most consumed type of meat in Singapore in 2020!

People might love chicken for a myriad of reasons, but one of them is its versatility. As compared to other meats, chicken is relatively lean and rich in protein. Especially for those on a keto or paleo diet, chicken filletscan be an excellent idea due to their low-carb and high-protein nature. Wondering what are the chicken fillet recipes you can try in your next cooking session? Here you go!

1. Lemon Herb Grilled Chicken Fillet

Well, if you would love a plate of low-carb delight rich in protein and emanating the refreshing tag of lemon and the earthy essence of herbs, this recipe is a win-win! Start by marinating chicken fillets in a mixture of fresh lemon juice, olive oil, minced garlic, and a medley of fragrant herbs such as rosemary, thyme, and oregano. Allow the fillets to marinate for at least

30 minutes to absorb the flavours. Then, grill the fillets until they are cooked through and achieve that beautiful crust infused with the zest of aromatic elements.

2. Creamy Avocado and Bacon Wrapped Chicken

Do you want a more indulgent option that adheres to your low-carb diet? Well, if the answer is yes, this recipe brings you a succulent chicken fillet complemented by the smokiness of bacon and the lush creaminess of avocado. Wrap chicken fillets with crispy bacon slices and bake until the chicken is tender. Meanwhile, prepare a creamy avocado sauce by blending ripe avocados with lime juice, garlic, and a touch of salt. Voila! Your creamy avocado and bacon-wrapped chicken is ready!

3. Mediterranean Inspired Stuffed Chicken

Transport your taste buds to the Mediterranean with this stuffed chicken fillet recipe that is both visually appealing and delectable. Butterfly the chicken fillets to create a pocket for the filling. Stuff them with chopped spinach, sun-dried tomatoes, Kalamata olives, and crumbled feta cheese. When you are done, secure the fillets with toothpicks and bake until they are cooked through.

The bottom line

If you loved these recipes, it’s high time you get cooking! Searching for the perfect healthy and tender cuts of chicken fillet? Well, you can always go for a fresh lacto chicken fillet from Kee Song. They have organically farmed chicken fed with lactobacillus. Their inventory comes from chicken farmed without antibiotics, which makes their chicken fillet low in cholesterol and saturated fats.